"My Own Motivation"
Bodybuilding taught me that I am capable of more than I ever knew possible. 

Bodybuilding prepared me for "real life" when it became chaotic and it tested my limits. 

Bodybuilding showed me how to stay calm during the "suck." 

Bodybuilding taught me how to take things one day at a time, one moment at a time, 
and this helped me navigate my way out of difficult situations in every-day life too. 

Bodybuilding taught me to trust myself.

Bodybuilding taught me how to have my own back when I felt alone.

Bodybuilding taught me that no situation is too difficult to overcome, even if it hurts.

Bodybuilding taught me that I will never have everyone's approval, and that's ok.

Bodybuilding taught me that I am "My Own Motivation." 

Sound Familiar?

Get your "MY OWN MOTIVATION" Workout Gear!
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